Welcome to the Downeast Intergroup!
Check out the latest Newsletter here…

Serving Alcoholics Anonymous Groups, Districts, and AA Meetings in Mid-Coast and Downeast Maine.

Want Help?
24-Hour Hotline
(207) 479-1779
Join us for our monthly Downeast Intergroup meeting via Zoom at 6 pm every Fourth Monday of the month. We meet in person at Union Congregational Church of Ellsworth Falls, 2 Falls CT. Doors open at 5:30pm for committee meetings and business meeting starts at 6:00pm
Looking for service work? We have various positions available – email admin@downeastintergroup.org for more information or join the next meeting!
Meeting ID: 6886597530
Password: 732847

We thank you for all of your continued support and feedback. We are always looking for more articles to share and want to encourage you to be part of it too. Send in your very own article to editor@downeastintergroup.org

The PO Box is back! Many of the services provided are made possible by your generous donations. Our sincerest apologies if you made a contribution while our PO Box was temporarily closed and the mail was returned to you. If you would like to make a donation to the Downeast Intergroup, please send checks to P.O Box 1633 Ellsworth, ME 04605
Email meetinglist@downeastintergroup.org to list time-sensitive Cancellations or Changes …

Take Note: There is a local A.A. meeting on Zoom at 7:00 PM, EST, Monday, Friday, and Saturday… The “Double-Dipping, Dozing, Dinner Club” invites you! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7653604410 ID: 765-360-4410

The Downeast Intergroup is a group of AA members coming together in the spirit of fellowship to help carry the AA message.
We currently:
- Publish a newsletter,
- Sponsor AA-oriented social events,
- Publish an AA Meeting List booklet FOR FREE, and…
- Distribute AA literature… At Cost!
We support AA Districts 3, 8, 10, 11, 16, 18, 21, and 25 from Calais to Greenville, Mount Desert Island to Belfast, and the Blue Hill Penninsula to Millinocket! Supporting AA in Bar Harbor, Bangor, Ellsworth, Castine, and Machias.

Find more on our News and Events Page…
Want to contribute to the Blog? Send your submissions to webeditor@downeastintergroup.org We are always encouraging our community to share their stories of experience, strength, and hope with others.
Latest DEIG Blog Post:
- The Importance of Step 2 – By The Black DogThe Importance of Step Two Early in Sobriety, my second Sponsor said that when an alcoholic is having trouble getting sober or staying sober, the problem often lies in Step Two- the inability or unwillingness to have faith that a higher power can change your life for the better. Paired with Step One, the decision… Read more: The Importance of Step 2 – By The Black Dog
Don’t drink, go to meetings, and Have Fun!