One of the most amazing things that this wonderful program in A.A. has taught me is that at anytime and anywhere and as many times as it takes, I can start my day over. That’s something in my old life I could never do. I would get mad over anything and hold on to it with a death grip, taking it with me everywhere I went. There would be times when I’d get so upset about something early in the day and just like that, the rest of my day was ruined.  I’d huff and I’d puff around letting everyone around me know I was upset, trying to blow everyone’s “house” down. I was easily miserable a lot and my only hope to not feel that way was to make it to tomorrow and start over, but not anymore! A.A and this program have shown me an easier softer way to dealing with these feelings when they arise and that’s starting over. That’s right, hitting the reset button. No longer dragging around my anger, but instead turning it over, giving it to God. I have that choice now that before that would seem impossible. It’s not always as easy as it sounds but I promise you it’s a 1,000 times better than it ever was before. And for that, I’m grateful and excited that I don’t have to wait till tomorrow anymore. I can make that choice today, I can make that choice right now! If that doesn’t work, I can do it again. I can do that as many times as it takes throughout my day.  And the best part, it’s free.

Heath W.